Chemically modified tetracyclines show activity in mammalian cell pathways and diseases related to cancer, inflammation, and neurodegenerative pathways. 4-Dedimethylaminosancycline (CMT-3 or COL-3) acts as matrix metalloproteinase (MT-MMP) inhibitor. It has been studied in disorders of collagen destruction, excessive TNF activity, excessive nitric oxide activity, excessive IL-1 activity, excessiuve activity of elastase, bone loss, protein degradation, muscle wasting, collagen glycosylation, phospholipase A2 activity. In addition, CMT-3 has been investigated for the treatment of aneurysms, ulcerations, periodontal disease, diabetes, scleroderma, progeria, cancer, and diseases of bone marrow function and thrombocytopenia.
Alternate names: CMT-3, COL-3, COL-3 Compound, Incyclinide, NSC-683551